A Homespun Hobby
Diamond Painting Chart Snow Angel by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
Diamond Painting Chart Snow Angel by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
This is a diamond painting chart. This is not a complete kit.
This product includes a chart, DMC legend, and bead count for you to create this diamond painting on a blank canvas. It also includes a mock-up and copy of the original image.
The finished piece is:
- Square drill
- 90 drill colors
- 16.5 x 20.5 inches
- Chart and page map
- Legend, inventory drill count
Skill level: Expert
There is a new way to do diamond paintings that is becoming very popular. And that is converting cross stitch patterns to a diamond painting. I have created a diamond painting chart for you so you don't have to do any converting.
You will need to purchase a blank canvas, an adhesive, and the diamond drills in squares.
Jasmin Becket Griffith has made some of her art available to the public domain. 15% of the proceeds of this digital package will be sent to Ms Griffith through her Tip Jar on her website because she deserves to be recognized and paid a licensing fee.